Time and again, guests who visit The Antara Foundation’s (TAF) programs in the field have said: “You are doing God’s work!” Kabir, a 15th-century Indian saint, and philosopher whose poetry touched the hearts of Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs alike, had this to say about why humility is the true test of God’s work: " जब मैं था तब हरी नहीं , अब हरी है , मैं नाही। " (When my ego was present, there was no room for God; now that God is here, there is no sign of me) It is moments like this that feed my soul every day during my time at TAF in rural Madhya Pradesh. March 1, 2022 In a village in rural Madhya Pradesh This is the story of a baby pronounced ‘malformed’ and asked by the local Parihar (holy man, also known as baba ) to be kept hidden from the world. The baby needed special care, and guidance on nourishment for a cleft lip and palate condition; the family needed support and sound medical advice. Priya Lodhi is a Program officer from TAF wh...